Some Of The Industries That Rely On Us
Banks & Financial Institutions
Credit Card Providers
Banks & Financial Institutions
Telecom Companies
Hospitals & Medical Centers
Retail Companies
What Our Customers Are Saying

"C-Deep provided us the ability to cut authorization processing time by 10 minutes / day, which is a massive value to our business."

“Sentinel and MQ-Gate allowed us to gain greater insight into operations, it is a critical part of our monitoring infrastructure.”

“ETI-NET’s customer support is #1. The response to a question or an issue is immediate. When required, we get access to the top developers.”

"We estimated a saving of 1,400 hours per annum in processing time with MultiBatch"

"The results of the project have been very successful; there were minimal issues encountered – very light touch. The BackBox-QoreStor de-duplication delivered significant storage savings."

“BackBox with QoreStor, allowed us to reduce storage costs and gain more control over our NonStop backup data.”

“The integration of QoreStor with BackBox allowed our NonStop operations to reduce the staff backup times by a factor of four.”

“The support we had from both ETI-NET and HPE Services Technical Consultants made the transitions to BackBox quick and painless and the benefits of QoreStor surpassed our expectations.”

“ETI-NET’s BackBox and QoreStor solution allowed us to improve backup performance and increase availability, seamlessly.”

“QoreStor’s BackBox integration gave us control over our backup storage. The de-duplication and encryption provided considerable storage cost savings and improved backup data protection.”