Product End of Life

End of Sale
  • The date after which a product is no longer available for purchase from ETI-NET or authorized channel partners.

  • ETI-NET will generally announce the End of Sale date for a product 3 to 6 months prior to the effective date.
Post End of Sale Support
  • For clients that have valid maintenance contracts in place, ETI-NET will continue to provide software updates and support for a
    product after the End of Sale date subject to the limitations provided in the Software EULA & Hardware Limited Warranty
    statement. 1

  • ETI-NET will accept maintenance extensions up until this date.

  • At ETI-NET's sole discretion, product enhancement requests may be considered and fulfilled after the End of Sale date for a
End of Engineering Support
  • Support services for a product will be available at least until the End of Engineering Support period for a product but ETI-NET
    may choose to extend support availability for business and customer reasons. 2

  • However, this is not a guarantee of ongoing feature development or software maintenance by ETI-NET.
End of Contract Availability
  • This date is generally 5 years from the End of Sale date.

  • Until this date, ETI-NET support services are provided for clients that have valid maintenance contracts in place.
  1. Product support from ETI-NET will generally be for 5 years from the End of Sale date but ETI-NET may reduce or extend this timeframe to address business and market conditions. Please contact ETI-NET at info@etinet to discuss product specific support and service needs for your business.
  2. Support services from ETI-NET for your specific product may be available beyond the product support timeframes referenced above. Please contact your ETI-NET at info@etinet to discuss product specific support and service needs for your business.

The information presented on this page is subject to change without notice.