BCOM provides a key solution to the automation of file transfer, report distribution, job submission, and network backup across business critical computing platforms. BCOM provides consistent functionality on every platform while allowing users to tailor the software installation according to the operational needs of individual systems. This is possible since every BCOM node can act as both a client and a server for data transfer and management.
Jobs can be defined and scheduled for execution through the BCOM user interface. This facility, together with BCOM’s ability to conditionally trigger requests based on the outcome of previously scheduled requests, allows for unattended and comprehensive job processing across environments.
BCOM facilitates the development of distributed job processing across mixed-vendor environments, thus allowing installations to take advantage of the strengths of each processing environment while conforming to industry standard communications.
HCOM is transaction switching software that allows online transaction interchange between NonStop applications and applications running under CICS, IMS/DC, and IDMS/DC. HCOM lets users focus their attention on application development without concern for intersystem communications complexity. Databases may be accessed simultaneously in both retrieval and update modes across both environments.
HCOM also supports a store and forward facility, reducing response time to the application user, while guaranteeing the delivery of the data message. No changes are required to IBM applications for transactions originating on a NonStop host. No changes are required to NonStop servers for transactions originating on an IBM host.